
Friday, March 13, 2015

ဆိုင္းကယ္ၿပိဳင္ေမာင္း ဂိမ္းေလး SBK14 Official Mobile Game v1.4.6 [Mod] Apk

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Sunday, March 8, 2015

နာမည္ႀကီး သတင္းဆိုုဒ္ေတြသာ စုုစည္းထားေသာ MM Breaking News APK

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MM Breaking News (version 1)

နပန္းဖိုက္တင္ဂိမ္းေလး WWE Immortals v1.1.1 Apk

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နပန္းဖိုက္တင္ဂိမ္းေလး WWE Immortals v1.1.1 Apk ဗားရွင္းအသစ္ေလးပါ နပန္းမင္းသားေတြကိုlevel အလိုက္ ပါ၀ါေတြေပးထားပါတယ္ ၾကမ္းၾကမ္း၇မ္းရမ္း တိုက္ခိုက္ေဆာ့ကစားျခင္တဲ့ေဘာ္ဒါေတြအတြက္ 
 ေဆာ့လို႕ေကာင္းတဲ့ဂိမ္းေလးတင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီးေဆာ့ႏိုင္ပါၿပီ (ပုသိမ္အိုင္တီ)
 WWE Immortals v1.1.1 Apk | 30 MB | Resumable Links | Requires :Android 4.0 and Up |
Take your favorite WWE Superstars out of the ring and into the supernatural world of WWE IMMORTALS!

WWE Immortals

What’s new in this version :
  • We quickly squashed some nasty bugs.
  • Get ready for a RKO out of nowhere as Randy Orton joins WWE Immortals! And fire up for the Daniel Bryan Evolved Challenge.
  • We’ve also added 3-star Gear to the game, and did someone say bug fixes? Bug Fixes! YES! YES! YES!

Game Review:
Wield DEVASTATING POWERS to demolish opponents with innovative touch-based combat from the makers of Injustice and Mortal Kombat. SUPERCHARGE YOUR ROSTER with spectacular signature moves, gear and support cards. Bring the pain during live BONE-CRUNCHING BATTLES tied to WWE events.
Use the touch screen mechanics of your mobile device to do epic battle with your enemies in 3-on-3 combat. Swipe and tap to perform combos and build your power to pull off special attacks and use each Superstars’s customized superpower.
Collect and play as fantastical versions of your favorite WWE Superstars: Triple H, John Cena, The Undertaker, The Bella Twins, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, and many more. Each iconic Superstar comes with unique variations, featuring special powers and moves.

Build your move set, increase your powers, upgrade your characters, and conquer your competition. Constantly evolve your roster to fit your style of play and put your best Immortals forward as you take on a series of combatants.
Take on real opponents in Online Battles and compete against players around the world in live, in-game events tied to the WWE and earn awesome rewards. Watch replays of your previous matches to hone your skill and perfect your lineup.
Delivers best-in-class graphics on your phone or tablet, with custom animations for every single WWE Superstar. Engage in battle across multiple worlds, all tailored for each Superstar’s alter-ego, fully rendered in 3D.
WWE Immortals - screenshot
WWE Immortals - screenshot
WWE Immortals - screenshot
WWE Immortals - screenshot


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Download APK | OBB:     Part1       Part2 

 Part3       Part4       Part5       Part6       Part7         Part8


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လံုး၀ရွိထားရမယ့္ ေဆာ့၀ဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။။

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Firmware တင္ရန္အတြက္ ClockworkMod recovery ပဲတင္မလား
Android ဖုန္းတစ္ခုလံုးကို backups and restores ပဲလုပ္မလား
SC Card ထဲကေန Recovery Mode ကို၀င္ၿပီး
Firmware တစ္ခုကို အလြယ္တကူ Install လုပ္ယူႏိုင္မွာ

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မိမိဖုန္းဟာ Root Access ရရွိထားၿပီးသား
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3.6 MB ပဲရွိပါတယ္။
2.2 အထက္ ဖုန္းအားလံုးမွာအဆင္ေျပပါတယ္။

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TWRP Manager (ROOT) v+7.4.6 Apk
ဒီေဆာ့၀ဲကေတာ့ ဖုန္းထဲမွာ အေၾကာင္း
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Backup, Restore လုပ္ယူဖို႔ရန္ အေကာင္းဆံုးထဲကတစ္ခုျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

Firmware တင္ယူဖိုရန္အတြက္ အထူးသျဖင့္
 official TWRP တင္ဖို႔ရန္ အရမ္းေကာင္းတဲ့ ေဆာ့၀ဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

Recovery Mode ကို၀င္ဖိုရန္အတြက္ကတာ့
ဒီေဆာ့၀ဲက Root Access မလိုပါ တစ္ခ်က္တည္းႏွိပ္လိုက္ရံုနဲ႔
Flash recovery Mode ထဲကို တန္းေရာက္သြားမွာပါ။

2.3 MB ပဲရွိပါတယ္။
3.0 အထက္ ဖုန္းအားလံုးမွာ အဆင္ေျပပါတယ္။

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Official Recovery Mode ၀င္နည္းကိုေတာ့

Samsung Galaxy ဖုန္း Tablet အားလံုးကို Recovery Mode ၀င္နည္း

အားလံုးပဲ ဆအင္ေျပၾကလိမ့္မယ္လို႔ထင္ပါတယ္
အသံုးျပဳနည္းကိုေတာ့ မရွင္းျပေတာ့ခင္ဗ်ား
စိတ္ႀကိဳ က္ကလစ္ၾကည့္ႏိုင္ပါၿပီ။


ဖုန္းမွာဂိမ္းကစားရတာၾကိဳက္သူမ်ားအတြက္ Summoners War 1.3.8 Mod apk Size(12.4MB)

Summoners War - screenshot thumbnail
Summoners War - screenshot
ဖုန္းမွာ ဂိမ္းကစားရတာဝါသနာပါသူမ်ားအတြက္ Summoners War ဂိမ္းေလးအသစ္ထြက္လာလို႔တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။ဒီဂိမ္းကအရမ္းကို ကစားရတာေပ်ာ္ဖို႔ေကာင္းပါတယ္ ရန္သူေတြကို ဖိုက္ရတာေလၾကာပါတယ္ ကိုယ္တိုင္ကစားၾကည့္ေနာ္။ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းယူလိုက္ေနာ္

ေသမင္းတမန္ ကားၿပိဳင္ဂိမ္းေလး Death Race: The Game v1.0.4 [Mod Money] Apk

Death Race: The Game Apk
ေသမင္းတမန္ ကားၿပိဳင္ဂိမ္းေလး Death Race: The Game v1.0.4 [Mod Money] Apk ဂိမ္းေကာင္းေလး
ပါ ရုပ္ရွင္မွာလဲကမာၻေက်ာ္တဲ့ movie ေလးပါ movie ေလးအတိုင္း ကိုယ္မွာ မိန္းမေခ်ာေလး အေဖာ္တစ္
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ရမဲ့   Death Race အက္ရွင္ဂိမ္းေလးကိုေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီးေဆာ့ကစားႏိုင္ပါၿပီ (ပုသိမ္အိုင္တီ)
 Death Race: The Game v1.0.4 [Mod Money] Apk | 290 MB | Resumable Links | Requires : Android 4.1 and up |
Welcome to the Death Race, the most extreme sports event on Earth, where hardened convicts race to the death to earn their freedom.

Death Race: The Game

What’s New
  • Minnor usability fixes.
Game Review:
Now you can experience the supercharged, metal-crushing intensity of the movie in a game for your iOS device!
You choose the weapons and the vehicles as you put your life on the line and race for your freedom in this explosive game. In a race where losing means death, are you ready to do whatever it takes to defeat your opponents, before they defeat you? With fast cars, big guns and realistic graphics, Death Race will have you on the edge of your seat!
  • - 12 tricked out vehicles (sport, trucks, SUVs, and muscle!)
  • - 4 super sexy co-pilots!
  • - Striking graphics and incredible courses.
  • - Varied game modes: Story, Daily, Ladder, and Challenge.
  • - Share your souped up car on Facebook!
  • - Amazing jumps, drifts, battles and explosions!
  • - Spectacular non-stop action – just like the movie!
Death Race: The Game - screenshot thumbnailDeath Race: The Game - screenshot thumbnail

  • Install Apk
  • Copy ‘com.generamobile.deathrace’ Folder to sdcard/Android/obb
  • Launch the Game

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Download APK | OBB: Part1 Part2


ကားသူခိုးဂိမ္းေကာင္းေလး Grand Theft Auto III v1.6 Apk

Grand Theft Auto III apk
ကားသူခိုးဂိမ္းေကာင္းေလး Grand Theft Auto III v1.6 Apk game ေလးဗားရွင္းအသစ္ထြက္လာလို႔ 
မိုက္မိုက္ကမ္းကမ္း ဇာတ္ေကာင္ေနရာကေန အက္ရွင္ဆန္ဆန္ ေဆာ့ကစားျခင္တျ့ေဘာ္ဒါေတြ အတြက္  ဂိမ္းေကာင္းေလး Grand Theft Auto III ကိုေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းၿပီၚေဆာ့ကစားႏိုင္ပါၿပီ (ပုသိမ္အိုင္တီ)
 Grand Theft Auto III v1.6 Apk | 587 MB | Resumable Links | Requires Android:2.2 and up
The sprawling crime epic that changed open-world games forever !

Grand Theft Auto III

What’s in this version:
  • Assorted Bug Fixes
Game Review:
Welcome to Liberty City. Where it all began.
Rockstar Games celebrates the 10th anniversary of one of the most influential games of all time. The critically acclaimed blockbuster Grand Theft Auto III comes to mobile devices, bringing to life the dark and seedy underworld of Liberty City. With a massive and diverse open world, a wild cast of characters from every walk of life and the freedom to explore at will, Grand Theft Auto III puts the dark, intriguing and ruthless world of crime at your fingertips.
With stellar voice acting, a darkly comic storyline, a stunning soundtrack and revolutionary open-world gameplay, Grand Theft Auto III is the game that defined the open world genre for a generation.
  • • Visually stunning updated graphics, character and vehicle models
  • • HD quality resolution
  • • Gameplay optimized for touch screen devices
  • • Custom controls for the mobile platform
  • • Countless hours of gameplay
  • • Gamepad Support for select USB controllers
  • • Integrated with Immersion Haptic Vibration Feedback
  • • Tailor your visual experience with new video display settings
Languages Supported: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese.

Video Review:


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